La tragedia de la basura electrónicaLa tragedia de la basura electrónica

Un hombre pasea por un vertedero de residuos electrónicos en un suburbio de Acra, la capital de Ghana. Camina pisando pantallas rotas, carcasas de ordenadores y teclados. Pero va buscando algo concreto, pistas que poder seguir en su investigación. Mike Anane es un periodista ambiental local.

Zero Carbon FootprintZero Carbon Footprint - Home Page

What is a Carbon Footprint? A Carbon Footprint is the measure given to the amount of green house gases produced by burning fossil fuels, measured in units of of carbon dioxide (ie Kg). Like walking on a soft sandy beach everyone leaves a footprint ...

Carbon footprint of e-mailWhat's the carbon footprint of ... e-mail?

The carbon footprint of spam:0.3g CO2e: A spam email 4g CO2e: A proper email 50g CO2e: An email with long and tiresome attachment Our recent piece on the carbon footprint of the internet generated plenty of coverage, so next up in our map of the world's carbon emissions is ...

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